eating breakfast is selfcare

and breakfast is not just a cup of coffee.

how can we expect to have energy to power through our day if we don't give ourselves fuel in the morning, is something I need to remind myself at 2PM everyday after finally coming up for air and only drinking a (giant) cup of coffee for "breakfast".

it's a hard habit to break, not eating breakfast.

So, let's dissect some of the reasons why WE may not be eating breakfast, I'll write down some of mine while you think about yours...

1. Breakfast is just un-needed calories

I spent most of my life dieting, and ditching breakfast was an easy way to cut out some calories. So although I know I need breakfast it's really hard to just start eating it. I sometimes notice myself even unconsciously saying "oh well I'll just have coffee" or "I am not hungry now, I'll make it something later" only to find myself mid-afternoon, crazy hungry and ready to blindly binge on whatever I can find first.

but eating in the morning and giving my body and mind the energy it needs to just move about my day, is way more important. it's taking care of myself. So I listed a little mantra of sorts that I use to remind myself that I deserve breakfast.


eating breakfast is self care

you need fuel for your body and mind to work

you do NOT need to earn your breakfast with a calorie deficit or hard workout

did I miss anything? let me know in the comments!

2. Time

I would say time would be one of the biggest reasons most people don't eat breakfast. When I worked in the corporate world I had to wake up, get ready and fight traffic every morning so adding another chore like breakfast to my morning routine, just felt un-necessary. (even though I always seem to have time to stop for coffee on the way in to work...but that's a different topic)

minute by minute breakfast ideas

so in preparation for all of us eating more breakfast, I have outlined a list of breakfast ideas that are both QUICK & EASY to make.

✨ 0 mins or grab & go!

an energy or protein bar

we personally love the cinnamon snickerdoodle energy bar by BTR BAR because it’s designed with functional ingredients to get through your day.

an apple or banana

simple but classic

✨ 1-2 mins

yogurt bowl

just throw your favorite yogurt in a bowl and top with some berries or bananas and some granola

microwavable oats

just a couple minutes in the microwave and you have instant breakfast that's hearty and delicious.

✨ 3 mins

toast is perfect for a quick breakfast and the only time ya need is to toast the bread.

some of my favorite toasts include:

the obvious avocado toast: I like mine with cream cheese, sliced avo and red pepper flakes

peanut butter and jelly: just as simple, but utterly perfect as it sounds. any nut butter works too!

yogurt toast: yes, yogurt on toast is awesome and you can use the same ingredients as the bowl above: bananas or berries, and some granola of course.

✨ 5 or more min

quick scrambled or over easy egg, maybe some microwaveable sausage, then even make plant based ones if that’s your thing.

✨ other not so popular breakfast options can ALWAYS include:

leftovers from the previous night

a sandwich

or really any damn thing you wanna eat.

it's as simple as that, breakfast is self care. no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need it. whether it's just a little something or a whole damn feast you don't need to explain yourself.
